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CRD-Councils are established using a (1) top-down, (2) bottom-up,and (3) mixed process

A top-down process is driven by staff members of the CRDD-SCHAC who typically approach local partners like City/County Councils (members of councils), local Government, local Chambers of Commerce and other appropriate local partners, and encourage them to support establishing a Community Relations and Development Council.

It is important for a potential local partner to identify a member of their organization (e.g. County Clerk, City Manager, Head of Community Relations for a County/City, Staff Member from Local Government, staff member of the Chamber of Commerce etc.) who can work with staff from CRDD-SHAC to develop a proposal for a CRD Council that will fit with local circumstances and needs.

A bottom-up process is driven by a local sponsor who is a community member(s) and/or a member of a local organization that wishes to be a local partner.

The local sponsor contacts the CRDD-SHAC who provides support for the council formation process. CRDD-SHAC typically encourages and helps local sponsors to secure support from a key local partner, if this does not already exist

A mixed-process occurs when top-down efforts of staff members at CRDD-SHAC intersect with the efforts of active local sponsors, and both parties collaborate to help establish a CRD Council

 Typical steps within the process of establishing a Community Relations and Development Council


Develop the Proposal

Staff members of CRDD-SCHAC and a local sponsor develop an initial proposal for a CRD Council. The relationship between CRDD-SCHAC and the sponsor can arise from a top-down, bottom-up or mixed process. The local sponsor is typically a representative of a relevant local organization (e.g. staff member from the Mayors office). The local sponsor can also be an individual community member or group of community members who do not represent an official organization, but are willing and capable of helping to establish a CRD Council. The initial proposal typically includes the following:
a. mission
b. vision
c. brief description of the general operating and service provision model (typically selected from the flexible accordion style service provision model offered by CRDD-SCHAC) 

Present and Secure Support for the Proposed CRD-Council

Where there is a directly or indirectly involved partner(s), the initial proposal is presented to the local partnerfor review, revision if necessary, and support. If the local sponsor is an individual community member or group of community members who do not represent an official organization, then an advertised community presentation is suggested (e.g. advertised presentation at the local Library, Church, School etc.). Attendees are asked to provide feedback and support for the formation of a CRD Council

Recruit and Select Council Members

Staff of CRDD-SCHAC work with the local sponsor or person(s) designated by a partner organization to recruit and select diverse and collaborative community members who are capable of making a constructive contribution to the activities of the CRD Council. Local sponsors and partners are expected to lead the process of identifying and selecting council members, and are encouraged to use the following general selection criteria:
a. Diverse members in terms of sector, demographics, region and any other characteristic deemed important within the community
b. Diverse members in terms of representing different points of view
b. Collaborative, willing and capable of providing constructive input into and support for the activities of the council 

Set Up and Conduct the First Meeting

Staff of CRDD-SCHAC support the local sponsor or person(s) designated by a partner organization to set up and conduct the first meetingl. The council is considered formally established when the following has been achieved/developed:
1. chair, secretary and treasurer have been identified (a treasurer may not be required)
2. list of members 
3. general mission and vision statement
4. brief description of (1) general operating model (e.g. “we intend to use Robert’s Rules to support our decision-making process”), and (2) service provision model (e.g.” we intend to focus our efforts on one annual expedited community review process, and a community relations and development information management system delivered via a CRD-Council website”)
5. brief description of annual goals and general plan for achieving those goals (one page)  
6. website has been established for the Council (supplied and supported by CRDD-SCHAC, if requested by the council) 

Support in Functioning Independently

staff of CRDD-SCHAC help the Council (if necessary) to become independently functional with regard to (1) general operating processes (planning, goal setting, decision making etc.), and (2) how to plan and execute the elements of the service provision model they have chosen


The Community Relations and Development Division (CRDD) of the South Carolina Human Affairs Commission (SCHAC) would like to work with local partners to establish Community Relations and Development Councils in Counties, Cities and other regions throughout the State.  
The CRRD has a variety of resources that assist in establishing a CRD Council.  If you would like to explore a possible partnership with the CRDD-SHAC for the purposes of establishing a CRD Council, please fill out and send the form below.  We will get back to you within 24 hours and are looking forward to meeting you.


1026 Sumter Street                    
Columbia, SC, 29201


Phone:  (803) 737-7800